Young Inventors

The Inventors Club of KC is an association proud to support young inventors and inspire innovation amoung students and youth.   

Our board of directors is available to speak to your group and we are working to establish an annual Invention Contest to encourage young inventors to think creatively and solve problems that make life more enjoyable and launch the formation of new and exciting business ventures.  

To find out more, please send us an This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

2010 - Brad with Gifted Students


"Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to speak to our 2nd and 3rd grade gifted students!  They all found your presentation  interesting and loved that you brought your most recent invention!  You made them feel like they really can invent and do amazing things!"

Kelly Brook, 2/3 PEAK teacher

2008 - Carrie at Liberty Public Schools

"I'm a 2nd and 3rd grade gifted teacher in Liberty. I recently read an article in the Liberty paper about your SportsShade Canopy Awning!   So cool!   We would like for you to come talk to our gifted kids about your invention and being an inventor! We are studying inventors and inventions this year for our research project. When I read about your company, I thought this would be perfect for our kids to see that you can do it!"

Maia Foust
PEAK/Challenge Teacher 2nd/3rd Grade
Liberty Public Schools

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